
Women’s voices from the Anti-Sectarianism Demonstration: “The revolution starts with us”

Sunday, February 27, witnessed the first sparks of the Revolution Against Sectarianism in Lebanon. An estimated 3,000 people took to the streets to protest against the sectarian regime. Despite the dreadful weather, they were all there, shouting in the name of freedom.

Women’s voices from the Anti-Sectarianism Demonstration: “Our leaders failed to provide us with a decent life”

The demonstration against sectarianism, held in the pouring rain, surprised everyone present with its size and enthusiasm. This massive group braved the rain and the thunder. They marched in peace. Drenched to their core, the demonstrators chanted ironically, “We will swim to the Judicial Court!”


If it’s all wrong, then it’s all got to change: Why sectarianism is bad for women

It’s no secret that Lebanon’s sectarian system is bad for, well, almost everyone unless you’re an entitled clan leader perpetuating the patriarchy. And it’s no secret that the sectarian system works by pitching various components of Lebanon’s ever-numerous minority groups against each other, while the erstwhile leaders reap the profits.

الان، أكثر من أيّ وقت مضى، يجْدر بالنسويّات الشابّات اختراقُ فضاءات اليسار وتنويرُها

لا شكّ في أنّ ما حصل في تونس وامتدّ إلى مصر يؤكّد قناعاتٍ أساسيّةً لي، وللعديد من المهتمّين بالشؤون السياسيّة في المنطقة، أهمُّها: أنّ التغيير المنتظر قادمٌ دائمًا في وقته، ودائمًا في محلّه؛

Issues at hand, but where’s the government?

It is no secret that the Lebanese people are awaiting the formation of the new government. Yes, one again. Governments in this country, lately, tend to last a year or so. It’s become a national hobby to “await the new government.” The politicians keep yo-yoing between deadlocks, resignation and formation. It’s a closed loop. Every two years, we experience the same roundabouts of events.

Like Perfumes Like Brides

In our respectful Lebanese society, choosing a wife is like buying a perfume. The potential sellers are the family of the bride and the buyer is, naturally, the man. The main requirements are that it should be brand new. Who would want a used perfume? It should also smell good, because the buyer wants to brag about it in front of the other buyers. It is supposed to be FOR HIM, and not for anyone or anything else.

عفواً كاريتاس

ثورة لبنان: ثورات


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