
لحظات متقطعة في طريق الجديدة

سبعة وشويّ:

إبتسامات ثورية

هناك شعور نعاني منه جميعا في سوريا، على الاقل في

حضرة المتّهم أبي

Superwomen yet Part Time Citizens? The inexorable paradox of Lebanese women’s gender roles

A list of big and small heroic acts by Lebanese women during the civil war would have no end.  Although they did not take part in the decision to start the war, they were hit by the horrors inflicted on all Lebanese and worked to improve their lives and the lives of people around them, taking on their duties as mothers, citizens, and humans.

Politics of Closeness and Alienation

To Audre and Adrienne,


Because a true vision holds much power, if it is not killed into this reality, it will have no place to go, and all its power will destroy the one who received it.  A vision is a responsibility, and to kill the vision into reality is a complete act of power.

أسئلة برسم الاستفسار: قانون حماية المرأة من العنف الاسري

عددت الأسباب والنتيجة واحدة، قانون مشوه، حماية

اللغة تحت الإحتلال




Unimaginable Wind: A Eulogy for Adrienne Rich (1935-2012)


In the diary as the wind began to tear


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