I hate that it takes place, that a complete stranger has this much hate toward another complete stranger, that again and again this place is not safe for all of us, regardless of how annoying a wide percentage of the “us” are, on days where explosions don’t take place.
we are all collaborating in groups on projects for the remaining days of the workshop. since we have to plan + schedule it helps to have an idea of what roles each of us will play on the project. here is a breakdown of some production roles and generally what each does during pre-production, production, post production and distribution… feel free to add duties as you gain experience in each phase of production.
Young women activist, writers and feminists have been setting up alternative electronic media websites/blogs to provide more critical coverage and point of views on various issues in the Arab region, from gender issues, Islamophobia, Palestinian Israeli conflict including the recent uprisings in the region.
نحن شبكةوجماعةمنالكاتباتالنسوياتوالناشطاتوالفناناتنعيشفيلبنانوالشرقالاوسطوشمالأفريقياوالمهجر،ونعملسوياًلتغييرواقعنامنخلالبناءمساحاتنقديةتحللتجاربالنساءالاجتماعيةوالسياسيةوالفكرية كما الحياةاليومية.
A network and a community of feminist writers, activists and artists working towards changing their realities by building a space that critically reflects on the social, political and intellectual experiences of women living in the Arab region– or West Asia and North Africa.
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Please contribute any news, articles, stories, events, photos, or blogs you have related to feminism in the Arab world. Email editor[at]sawtalniswa.com