In one episode of CSI Miami, the group of skilled detectives have to deal with a crime at a neighborhood under ‘planned’ gentrification. The government was evicting inhabitants from their homes, paying half the property price and selling it to a development company to build a hotel. The law-respecting squad then finds itself in an ethical dilemma: does it allow the eviction and follow the court decision, or does it fight it for the sake of disinherited powerless families? And if the law is allowing for such an action to happen, could the law be wrong?
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نحن شبكة وجماعة من الكاتبات النسويات والناشطات والفنانات نعيش في لبنان والشرق الاوسط وشمال أفريقيا والمهجر، ونعمل سوياً لتغيير واقعنا من خلال بناء مساحات نقدية تحلل تجارب النساء الاجتماعية والسياسية والفكرية كما الحياة اليومية.
A network and a community of feminist writers, activists and artists working towards changing their realities by building a space that critically reflects on the social, political and intellectual experiences of women living in the Arab region– or West Asia and North Africa.
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Post: Friday, December, 2019
Post: Friday, December, 2019
Post: Monday, December, 2019
Post: Friday, December, 2019
Post: Friday, August, 2013
Post: Sunday, January, 2010
Post: Tuesday, February, 2010
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