… So I have a question to ask you all about women, writing and self censorship. Why do women censor themselves? Why is our relationship to writing steeped in holding back?
“Does part of it have to do with being diplomatic and being brought up to please everyone? To not be angry or forthright?”
The day I was born, my feminist future was determined. I was brought up to become a woman, and while everything around me conspired to teach me how to be one, I became a feminist instead.
نحن شبكةوجماعةمنالكاتباتالنسوياتوالناشطاتوالفناناتنعيشفيلبنانوالشرقالاوسطوشمالأفريقياوالمهجر،ونعملسوياًلتغييرواقعنامنخلالبناءمساحاتنقديةتحللتجاربالنساءالاجتماعيةوالسياسيةوالفكرية كما الحياةاليومية.
A network and a community of feminist writers, activists and artists working towards changing their realities by building a space that critically reflects on the social, political and intellectual experiences of women living in the Arab region– or West Asia and North Africa.
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