Have you ever thought, how everything in life, every choice and every consequence leads you to a certain path, that could have been entirely different from the life you lead now? I see it as a game of connected dots, a puzzle that you struggle to solve, every piece directing you to the next, I came here to search for myself, for the fragments of me lost over time, and little did I know that I was sent here for an entirely different purpose.
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نحن شبكة وجماعة من الكاتبات النسويات والناشطات والفنانات نعيش في لبنان والشرق الاوسط وشمال أفريقيا والمهجر، ونعمل سوياً لتغيير واقعنا من خلال بناء مساحات نقدية تحلل تجارب النساء الاجتماعية والسياسية والفكرية كما الحياة اليومية.
A network and a community of feminist writers, activists and artists working towards changing their realities by building a space that critically reflects on the social, political and intellectual experiences of women living in the Arab region– or West Asia and North Africa.
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نرحب بكل المساهمات من قصص ومقالات وصور و فيديوهات
Post: Friday, December, 2019
Post: Friday, December, 2019
Post: Monday, December, 2019
Post: Friday, December, 2019
Post: Friday, August, 2013
Post: Sunday, January, 2010
Post: Tuesday, February, 2010
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