The waves of revolutions in the Arab world have challenged so many assumptions, opinions, political streams and even political structural relations around the world, on macro and micro levels. Some link the revolutions to the same point of origin, some think they are product of global processes and others think they are informed by local political, economic, religious tensions.
“You have the right to stop taking this survey at any time without any penalties”… I read before I start taking a consumer survey… this is funny I think that they are reminding me of my right to my time and privacy, of my right to express my opinion about a product without any penalties… very funny I think… I want to thank them and let them know about all my stripped rights.
I do believe that change is possible. I do have hope for a better future in this country. But sometimes, reality strikes me. Sometimes, when I listen more deeply to my surroundings, I tend to lose hope.
نحن شبكةوجماعةمنالكاتباتالنسوياتوالناشطاتوالفناناتنعيشفيلبنانوالشرقالاوسطوشمالأفريقياوالمهجر،ونعملسوياًلتغييرواقعنامنخلالبناءمساحاتنقديةتحللتجاربالنساءالاجتماعيةوالسياسيةوالفكرية كما الحياةاليومية.
A network and a community of feminist writers, activists and artists working towards changing their realities by building a space that critically reflects on the social, political and intellectual experiences of women living in the Arab region– or West Asia and North Africa.
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