Discrimination, death, injustice and boundaries: May 15, RIP

The more i get involved the more i know i am limited by boundaries and an invisible power that ties my ambitions to the ground. When i was young, i used to fly in my dreams and i felt the will to make me become the change i wanted to see, act and make and create.

التعبير الإلزامي

نهار الجمعة 6 ايار يوم شهداء الصحافة احتفلت جامعتي

Making sexist statements to make a sexist target audience laugh

Well, with everything happening in my personal and in the region around me, I feel kind of silly being so angered by the polemic surrounding Nemr Abou Nassar’s sense of humour. But here it goes.

It’s a boy – or Beirut’s youngest feminist

So my brother and his wife had a baby. A baby boy. And everybody is so happy that he got a boy. This boy, as they say, is going to be the pride of the family.

Who’s that girl? Notes from the Lebanese Absolute Republic of Beauty

Who’s that girl supposed to be?

I wake up and look in the mirror to see the reflection. Somehow it is not me, or what I think should be me. My body also feels heavy, another weight to handle.

ماذا جرى في المظاهرة: تجلّيات ذكورية

عازبة في صور: لا أريد زوجاً

ماذا تفعل  النساء في مدينة صور، وكيف

فكر الثورة الواضح والفكر القديم المراوغ



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